Monday, May 11, 2009

Walking the Halls where the Giants Live

Recently I have taken a ministry in Bremerton, WA. I have history in this ministry. It was here where I was converted. It was here I found my bride. It was here I was mentored in the faith. It was here I was liberated from the darkness and translated into the Kingdom of His dear Son.
The giants are now using a walker or cane and appear to have lost their zeal or passion for Christ. It is as if the rooms are roaring with the noise of almost 2000 believers expressing their enthusiasm for the exalted Jesus Christ.

Nothing could be further from the Truth. These saints long for the outpouring of the Spirit and long for the exaltation of Jesus Christ in the lives of others in our community. It is easy to dismiss their passion or their longing as "living in the past." After two months of wandering about through these halls I am deeply humbles.

I am humbled at God's clear moving to take us into this arena. I often lament before God of my inability to Leave a Lasting Legacy. As an empty peanut butter jar with some fissures I can only ask that Christ fulfills the promise of John 15.

The giant slayers where men and women who walked each day in the confidence God would use their humble efforts. Some of them were like the men with faces of a lion. Some of them jumped into a pit on a snowy day and killed the lion - on a "lark." Some of them stood in the bean field with a brother and slung the sword until the sun when down and their hand froze to the sword. These were the non-descript pilgrims who walked faithfully into the Darkness with the Light.

In our energy as young men we were bold and often times brash. Their patience was the model for us. Live through the impetuousness, the exuberance, the rascally spirit and then capitalize on the passion to walk with Christ.

When you walk into the assembly of believers, look beyond the presentation of the worship without dismissing its impact on your life but look at the saint in the wheel chair, walking with a cane, dim eyesight, maybe a little crusty, or unable to live with outer enthusiasm and find the heart beat of a saint who lived on the mountains and slew the enemy - as in the one who slew 300 with a spear in one battle.

Walk the halls and listen to sounds of battle and the sounds of the wounded and the sounds of the victors as Christ walked the Halls of His own victory over Death and Hell and Sin. Get over the stuff which impresses you on the outward side and look for the power of God in the lives of the Lion Killers. Become one who stands in the bean field and slings the sword from morning to evening. Be the saint who jumps into a pit and slays a lion on a snowy day.

To do this, get beyond the glitz, sit with the Giant Killers, listen to their heart beat, then with Caleb ask for the hill country and go slay the giants!

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