Thursday, February 5, 2009

Coalescing of Random Events

For the past year I have been working with the grandsons in processing and selling firewood. This has been an incredible experience for me as I walk into the twilight years of my life. Little things have a great impact on production.

Issues in my life which I thought were settled are coming to the forefront of my spiritual lobe. The Lord is heating the dross out of my life. At times it is painful and I am embarrassed and at times I immediately thank Him for the clarity of thinking He is bringing into my Swedish head. John 15

Each time we work together there are the delights of laughter, the choice of the will to "just get the work done and we are outta here" and of course the intructions of this old man. Each week there is a learning curve. Little actions connected to each other bring about a profit which grows as skill is developed.

Little events connected which don't seem important to the youngsters are in reality steps of action which increase production and profit. There are parts of the job which require skill and are considered dangerous. These advanced skills take time to develop and the process of mentorinig is essential to live to the end our our days.

Our conversations are sometimes a bit intense because the connection of small functions is missed by the boys. Learning to look for what needs to be done and developing skill in observation and then function is the direction to success.

The average person who walks onto the sight doesn't see the small things we do to make the processing of firewood into a successful business. The trained eye sees the unobtrusive actions and appreciates the end result.

So here goes: as I was reading in the book of Proverbs I noticed one of the verses and my thoughts were stirred more deeply than in the past. So I marked the verse with the words: the coalescing of random events is not an accident. Men and women in the faith need to spend time together in dynamic interaction refining ideas and observations to be able to see the small things God is doing.

As a result a whole generation of believers will be speaking of the great wonders in the work of God among us. They will see the small events coalescing into an event which will express the presence of Jesus Christ among us and which will be clear so we will not mistake it as "lucky."

What do you think?

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