Thursday, February 5, 2009

Dynamic Interaction - healthy verbal exchange

Dynamic Interaction: the freedom to interact with others and communicate ideas without the fear censure by the thought police. For the time to create ideas, to interact on difficult subjects, to enjoin another person in a vital discussionof life changing concepts there is not wide spread acceptance.

The difference between stirring in the head and stirring in the heart is not often understood. In religious circles the stirring of the head is often mistaken as a stirring of the heart. In this misundestsanding bitterness, hostility, anger are often assigned to the one who is passionate about the concepts being put on the table.

The thought police in religious circles assign negative attitudes to this kind of interaction. The words or phrases used are in this vein: don't be bitter, it is not good to have your heart stirred, don't stir up trouble, we don't talk about religion or politics, these issues are too volatile, we need to be calm and not get all stirred up.

To see a fuller expression in a formal document go to: then clik on Dynamic Interaction

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